“After Vatican II Ecumenism has a different Meaning”

by admin2

Bishop Richard Williamson about Pope Francis and the turning away from the religion, the coup against Ratzinger and the role of the New World Order in the fight against the Church

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Christmas is the second most important christian feast of the year. Do you have the feeling that the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ is still in order with the original intentions of the Christian Religion, or is the actual way of celebration something different?
Bishop Richard Williamson: It is not quite clear what is here meant by “original intentions” and “present way of celebration”, or how the two differ, but surely the way of celebrating the Christmas liturgy that Joseph Ratzinger remembered from his childhood in South Germany was pleasing to God – a whole people worshipping with its whole heart, especially by the Mass, the new-born Child: “der Retter ist da !”

Richard Nelson Williamson, born March 8, 1940 in London, was validly ordained bishop on June 30, 1988 by the retired Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and therefore incurred excommunication as a punishment.
The excommunication established in 1988 by Pope Benedict XVI. in 2009 sparked controversy within the Roman Catholic Church, especially as Williamson downplayed the Holocaust.
On October 24, 2012, the Pius Brotherhood excluded him from being a member for disobedience. After his expulsion, Williamson dedicated himself to founding and caring for the Marcel Lefebvre priestly community (also known as the SSPX Resistance), made up of dissidents from the Pius Brotherhood who opposed its rapprochement with the Roman Catholic Church.
On March 19, 2015, Williamson consecrated Jean-Michel without permission Faure and on March 19, 2016 the prior of the Benedictine monastery of Santa Cruz in Nova Friburgo, Tomás de Aquino OSB, as bishops. With this consecration in 2015, Williamson again received excommunication from Pope Francis as a criminal offense.


The Roman Catholic Church with its “headquarters” in Rome runs the Christmas holydays somehow  “as usual”. With Pope Francis however, we have the feeling that the emphasis has changed. He wants to be the Pope for the poor, the underprivileged and those who need Christian mercy most. What is your opinion on this matter?
Williamson: Indeed Pope Francis gives the impression of passing the whole Catholic religion through a Marxist filter, so that the materially poor take on an undue importance because no longer is the spiritual salvation of souls for Heaven of prime importance, but rather the highlighting of material welfare and of social inequality supposedly distributing that welfare unjustly. But what is that welfare in comparison with eternal salvation or damnation ?  One has to wonder if these churchmen who give such importance to things material still believe in the Catholic faith, the immortality of the soul, in Heaven and Hell.

What I´ve described in the former question as our impression of Pope Francis’ presentation of himself with the emphasis on mercy and closeness to the poor. This is also celebrated by him in a number of other activities he shows to the public. Can you share this opinion and policy for his Church and what is your impression of his policy?
Williamson: In his 1968 book “L’hérésie du 20me siècle” Jean Madiran traces that heresy back to the progressive loss of the Catholic faith among the French bishops of the 19th century due to their admiration of the modern world and its “progress”, meaning the ever advancing takeover of the churchmen’s minds and hearts by Marxism. Hence the perspective of Our Lord, “The poor you will always have with you”, is taken over by that of Marx, in which an apparent concern for the poor in fact disguises his instrumentalising of what he called the “Lumpenproletariat” for the Revolution against God. Hence “mercy” becomes no longer God’s readiness to forgive men’s sins if they repent but rather a mindless and harmful indulgence towards all sinners regardless of how they have offended God. Do Marxists even believe in God ?  Only enough to taunt and defy Him !

As we talk of pope Francis, how to you judge the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and his replacement by Francis?  In our view the change was not quite voluntary on Benedict’s part.  How do you see what happened in Rome, and what do you think of two “living popes”?
Williamson: Whatever the serious failings of Benedict XVI were as a doctrinal modernist, nevertheless in his instincts remained and remain something Catholic which acted as a break upon his modernising the Church, so that the Revolution in the Church was going too slowly for the New World Order which, as the great Covid-Lie shows, is in a hurry to conquer the world for godlessness. Accordingly the NWO, having failed to get Bergoglio elected in the conclave of 2005 (which still preferred the relatively conservative Ratzinger), mounted a coup d’état in the Church to get rid of Ratzinger. Firstly the vile media under the control of the NWO launched a worlwide campaign of Ratzinger as being the churchman mainly responsible for all of the “paedophilia” rampant among churchmen, and to finish him off, cut off all movement of money inside the Vatican State by shutting down the American money-mover S____ within its frontiers. As soon as Ratzinger resigned, within 24 hours the money-mover was restored within the Vatican, almost as though the NWO was boasting, “Look what we can do to you if you don’t do what we want.”  New World order had been restored.  As for two Popes, only one of them can really be Pope.  Surely that is Francis, despite many good Catholics holding that it is still Benedict XVI.

The situation of your former organisation, the Society of the St.Pius propagates, has quite changed from the time of Pope Benedict XVI to that of Francis. What was the reason for that?
Williamson: By his conservative instincts Benedict had a real sympathy for the SSPX, but he had not been free to give it full canonical recognition before he was in effect deposed. As for Pope Francis, he is playing the SSPX and its leaders like a cat plays a mouse, and these foolish leaders have let themselves be played because they are so desirous of official recognition by the Roman modernists. Therefore Francis has no more given them the recognition than Benedict did, but he feigns a great friendship with the SSPX which these leaders still seem to be taking at face value – “Oh, Big Bad Wolf”, said Little Red Riding Hood, “what lovely teeth you have !” With a great smile the Big Bad Wolf entirely agreed !

How do you interpret your separation from the official SSPX?
Williamson: Like the “excommunication” of Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988 from the official Church in Rome. His reaction was, “I never belonged to their ‘Conciliar Church’, so how could they exclude me from it ?”  They ran on appearances. The Archbishop ran on Catholic realities. “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment” –  words of Our Lord (Jn. VII, 24).

How do you judge the role of the media in your personal respect? Would you handle the jewish problem in the same way today?
Williamson: The “vile media”, as I always call them (in the USA the admirable Dr Paul Craig Roberts refers to them as “presstitutes”) answer to their masters who in a large majority belong to the New World Order. Now the NWO is driven by its ambition to replace the Creator in His own Creation, so that all the souls He creates will populate Hell instead of Heaven. Therefore since God is Truth (Jn. XIV, 6), the media serving the NWO are necessarily filled with lies. They serve their Master (Jn. VIII, 44). Please God, I will serve Mine, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  As for the media’s pulling the house down on my head in 2008/2009, I am happy to say that I have no regrets, because as best I know, I told the truth. For two weeks the scandal in early 2009 made a number of disbelievers think of the Catholic Church.

Coming back to Francis. In the meanwhile he has published quite a list of encyclicas. Most of them show more secularity than spirituality. The pope sometimes seem to be closer to Marxism than to Catholic tradition. Is this the way the Christian Church should develop?
Williamson: Marxism is certainly not the way that the Church should develop, because if one reads the classic 1937 Encyclical Of Pius XI on Communism, Divini Redemptoris, one finds that his analysis of Communism begins with its atheism, which is like its foundation stone. How can one start out from atheism to develop the Church ?  Communists do all they can to obliterate the Church !  Only they try to disguise that fact, in order the better to obliterate the Church !

Pope Francis also tries to move the Catholic Church closer to the Muslims as well as to the Jews and thus abandons the Christian faith. If that continues the Christians will lose their independence from other religions sooner or later. What do you think in this respect?
Williamson: “I am a jealous God, and thou shalt have no gods before me”. Ecumenism is a word that changed its meaning at Vatican II. Before, it meant the outreach of the one true Faith to all men in the world, all of them meant by God to get to Heaven through His one and only true Church. That used to be the Catholic Faith, professed by all Catholics. But after Vatican II “ecumenism” meant an outreach to men of all false religions by which all errors and Truth would sit down together in order to – new sacred word – “dialogue” – as though Truth can learn from error. Truth can learn from what a man in error still holds of truth, like St Jerome learned the Hebrew language from Rabbis. But Truth has absolutely nothing to learn from the error of persons in error. Vatican II was when and where a mass of Catholics, including the highest of churchmen, lost their grip on objective Truth, which is in no way dependent on subjective men: unchanging, one, excluding the least contradiction. That is a strange notion for modern men, including for modernised Catholics. But if there is no truth, how can there be a true God ?

What would be the key-issues, if you were Pope of Rome?
Williamson: I would keep as low a profile as possible, in the hope of getting away with not being assassinated until I had done everything in my power to put the bishops of the world back on their Catholic feet.
That would mean bringing them back to the fullness of the true, non-Vatican II Catholic FAITH. How would I do that ?  Never without enormous grace from God and the direct assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary !

How would you describe the development of your own Organisation, the St. Marcel Initiative?
Williamson: The St Marcel Initiative is not an Organisation, and I do not consider myself to be its head – nor do a good number of its non-members!   Think of the individual priests scattered all over the world who kept the true Faith after Vatican II. They were thrown up by chance, the chance of the grace of their perseverance in the true Faith, they were united by that Faith and had with their comrades in that Faith whatever contacts they chose to have. They could be visited and advised and encouraged by Archbishop Lefebvre, but he was not their Superior, nor did he visit them all, nor were they organised, and whenever they tried to organise among themselves, it usually did not work. Survival, the barest of survival, is the order of the day, until Almighty God, in His own good time, puts the Pope back on his Catholic feet. Then the one and only organisation that has the mission and grace to unite all Catholics, will unite them from all imaginable quarters of t he world in a Church dazzling with beauty to enter her Sixth Age, the most glorious in all her history, but not lasting long, because the Antichrist will be waiting in the wings to put her through the most terrible persecution in all her history, her Seventh and last Age, the Age of some of the greatest Saints and Martyrs in all her history.  Mother of God, stay by us in that hour, for the greatest glory of your Divine Son !

This Interview was taken by Walter Tributsch.

[Autor: Bild: Wikipedia/Lothar Wolleh Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0]

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